Torchbearers Print

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Featuring portraits of women's rights activists by over 150 artist collaborators, this print represents the history and combined effort by those who stood to protect and further women's causes. All post-administrative profits from this print go to , to help aid the causes that these figures stood for; women's health, equal rights, and well-being. 

Marching together, and holding a light to guide us, are Anna Howard Shaw, bell hooks, Harriet Tubman and so many others who continue to light the way and inspire our own march forward. Artists such as Eleanor Davis, Jess Fink, Sarah Winifred Searle and tons of other inspiring artist contributors have drawn these figures and combined their work to create this virtual protest. 

Help out a good cause and own a piece of artwork that combines the work and effort of so many inspiring figures. 

The print is about 27x18" on top-quality Epson enhanced matte paper. A high-resolution pdf version of the key will be emailed to you after purchase!

The artists:

1. William Henry Channing by Alec Longstreth 2. Wendell Phillips by David McGuire 3. Elaine Brown by Nicki Smith 4. pauli murray by iona fox 5. Lucretia Mott by Jennifer Hayden 6. matilda joslyn gage by angela boyle 7. eleanor smeal by cecil vidican 8. elizabeth cady stanton by alisa harris 9. diana reader harris_sabina hahn 10. laura boden by kelly fitzpatrick 11. flo kennedy by rhonda mccormack 12. may wright sewall by sandy J-T  13. ella baker by bree jordan 14. helen m gougar by joyce rice 15. abby kelly by jess fink 16. shirley chisholm by jackie sojico 17. audre lorde by colleen barr  18. lucy stone by danielle corsetto 19. daisy bates by lily williams 20. bernice johnson reagan by veronica v jones 21. fania mindell by kristen chiappone  22. marian wright edelman by leanna cruz 23. charlotte carmichael stopes by JADE RECTOR 24. carol downer by shing yin khor 25. olivia morris by miguel eduardo lackups-fuentes 26. edith margaret garrud by rebecca martinez 27. june eric-udorie by phillip marsden 28. waya wiley by jessica fisher 29. Alice Duer Miller by Shaenon Garrity 30. franes willard by glynnis fawkes 31. lucy burns by summer pierre 32. Alice Stone Blackwell by rebecca mock 33. Susan B Anthony by maia kobabe 34. Sylvia and toots by nicole hollander 35. Victoria woodhall by lucy knisley 36. dorothy thompson by aimee fleck 37. Anna Howard Shaw by Clare DeZutti 38. abigail adams by jenny McKeon 39. Ida Craft by Andrew Cooke 40. emmeline pankhurst by nana li 41. emma goldman by sarah glidden 42. ernistine rose by sharon rudhal 43. Ida B Wells by Jess Fink 44. kate kelly by guy kopsombut  45. amal clooney by lucy engelman 46. Frederique Petrides by Andrea Zidek 47. mary church terrell by lonnie mann  48. joann robinson by jess fink 49. gertrude stein by morgan weber  50. alice b toklas by morgan weber 51. mary edwards walker by jess fink 52. henry browne blackwell by annamarie scotello  53. margaret fuller by samantha lerieche-gionet 54. margaret sanger by molly knox ostertag 55. m carey thomas by rebecca yeager  56. priscilla bright mclaren by sophia parsons cope 57. francoise david by katelyn gilland 58. viola gregg liuszzo by audre schutte 59. frederick douglass by maia kobabe 60. thomas wentworth higginson by haley boros 61. ella baker by rebecca martinez 62. marsha p johnson by jess fink 63. jamie mcintosh by lucien hoare 64. julia ward howe by melissa gordon 65. emily howard stowe by emily cowan 66. Elisabeth Freeman by Ash Austin 67. mabel vernon by charity pomaybo  68. rosa parks by barbara millikan 69. willa brown by lucy engleman 70. Nellie McClung by Hanna Prita Lehkonen 71. grace giddings Juian Clarke by mary goldthwaite 72. majora carter by ulrike kleinert 73. josephine baker by jessica trevino 74. zelda nordlinger by olivia birdton 75. pauli murray by kat leyh 76. marie stopes by joe decie 77. major griffen-gracy by ahmara smith 78. john stewart mill by pav kovacic 79. barbara bodichen by Taylor Crockett 80. bell hooks by eleanor davis 81. jane hunt by lonnie mann 82. rosalie jones by bonnie millard 83. Malala Yousafzai by sandra hogue 84. judy goldsmith by anke weckmann 85. lillian wald by patrick brower 86. gloria steinem by key froh 87. beverly bond by andrea bell 88. Angela Davis by Samantha Kyle 89. Helen Keller by Guy Kopsombut 90. Catherine Winkworth by Ryan Gatts 91. Roshini Thinakaran by tyler feder 92. lea roback by phillippa gerrard 93. Bessie Rayner Parkes by ainsley seago 94. mary livermore by sarah leavitt 95. therese casgrain by henry chamberlain 96. murray hill by kristyn scorsone 97. sojourner truth by dylan meconis 98. septima clark by jess fink  99. katherine dexter mccormick by rori 100. dolores huerta by jackie sojico 101. jessie boucherette by madeline karutz  102. robin morgan by lori schufza 103. Harriet Tubman by Melonie Chitwood 104. mary mcleod bethune by maggie gosselar 105. Eleanor Roosevelt by Jessica Trevino 106. millicent fawcet by philippa garrard 107. jacqueline michot ceballos by liz yerby 108. Elizabeth Mantague by Heather Rue Forlong 109. Callie House by Henry Chamberlain 110. Claudia Jones by Maritza Pina 111. Bell Hooks by Alex Yoshida 112. Isabella Beecher Hooker by Megan Kelley 113. Mary Wollenstonecraft by Santagata 114. Kimberle Crenshaw by Karen Luk 115. matilda hays by jess parker  116. amelia earhart by meggie ramm  117. amelia bloomer by stephanie zuppo  118. kathleen hanna by jody weinmann  119. zitkala sa by lezley davidson  120. michelle obama by lucy engleman     121. dorris stevens by dustin reese  122. idola saint-jean by haley boros 123. dorothy height by amelia altavena  124. christabel pankhurst by jared cullum 125. Oprah Winfrey by lucy engleman  126. pauline agassiz shaw by emilie bess  127. carrie Chapman Catt by Jennifer Daydreamer  128. Amy ashwood garvey by katie wheeler  129. sylvia rivera by parker goodreau 130. Eliza Ritchie by Emily Moroz  131. josephine st pierre ruffin by shelby pearson 132. Elizabeth Warren by colleen barr 133. Yuri Kochiyama by C Lin   134. Anne Knight by Henry Chamberlain  135. marie lacoste gerin-lajoie by melanie atwater  136. Rose ONeill by Shary Flenniken 137. Harriet Tubman by Sandy J-T 138. Caroline Norton by Amanda Crowley 139. Leslie Feinberg by Mary Goldthwaite-gagne  140. Grace Greenewood by Corinne Mucha 141. dorothea dix by laura verdin  142. edith archibald by laura szumouski  143. Alice zimmermn by patricia burgess   144. jane addams by pav kovacic  145. Alice Vickery by Amy Churchwell  146. CHARLOTTE PERKINS GILMAN by AA GLOVER  147. mary fildes by rhonda mccormack 148. Betty Friedan by C Lin 149. barbara mikulski by lucia dill 150. maud wood park by elowen fernweh  151. mabel vernon by bridget comeau  152. margaret sanger by C Lin  153. amelia bloomer by erika moen  154. Nydua Velasquez by marina martinez  155. josephine st pierre ruffin by nomi kane  156. fannie lou hammer by alise-ann glover  157. diane nash by taylor crockett  158. beth ditto by lukas myhan  159. rosemary brown by bri rudd  160. anna j cooper by lukas myhan  161. shirley jackson by pav kovacic  162. maria stewart by skylar patridge  163. nawal el saadawi by sarah winifred searle  164. antoinette brown blackwell by rachel dukes