Machine of Death: Game Expansion Packs
• MORE DEATH CARDS! And some of them are even themed. You want to play a pirate-themed game of MOD? A game set entirely in space? How about one set in a hard-boiled noir? WE GOT THAT.
- The Death Deck contains 150 extra death cards.
- Death by Genre contains 150 more death cards broken into: Space, Noir, Pirate, Adventure, and Pestilence themes!
• INTEL CARDS! (100 cards) Draw a random target and instantly know his or her likes, dislikes, occupation, location, and everything else you might need in order to, I don't know, MURDER THEM??
• WEBCOMICS PALS & CHUMS! (230 cards) We asked our favorite cartoonist pals to make a bunch of custom game cards. GUESS WHAT: They DID IT and now those cards are in these decks! Full contributor list below.
• The SIDE EFFECTS BOX contains all five decks above, in a handy red box the same size as the regular game box!
• BLANK CARDS! When you want something done right -- do it yourself. This deck contains 50 fully-compatible blank-front game cards for you to write on and make your own.
• The "KICKSTARTER UPGRADE SET" includes all the cards that didn't come in the base tier of the original Kickstarter: that's both death decks, the Intel deck, the blank deck, and the red box to hold them all!
• You can even just get the Empty Side Effects Box if you want a box to hold your cards (or anything else) in!
THIS IS TRULY THE ULTIMATE MACHINE OF DEATH GAMING EXPERIENCE. For the discerning game player only. Or anyone else. WE DON'T JUDGE.
WEBCOMICS PALS & CHUMS contain game cards by: Ryan North, R. Stevens, Justin Pierce, Aaron Diaz, Zach Weinersmith, Meredith Gran, Jeffrey Rowland, Andrew Hussie, RK Milholland, David Malki !, Dave Strider, Anthony Clark, Kris Straub, Emily Horne & Joey Comeau, Dylan Meconis, Jess Fink, Jeph Jacques, Christopher Hastings, Phil McAndrew, Dave Kellett, and KC Green!