Dinosaur Comics STEEL Whiteboard

Select! Just the Whiteboard ($24) Whiteboard PLUS Magnet Set! ($39)

This is like the original Dinosaur Comics dry-erase whiteboard except this one is made out of STEEL and you can stick MAGNETS on it. I KNOW. It's about as big as a placemat (9" x 12") which leaves you plenty of room to write both comics AND passive-aggressive notes to your roommates telling them that it's their turn to clean the friggin' bathroom. I don't say this often - but this whiteboard may solve ALL the problems.

And you can add the for an extra $15 (save $1)!

It also comes with STICKY MAGNETS that you can stick on the back and stick to a fridge and TWO custom whiteboard markers with which you are LEGALLY OBLIGED to only write awesome things!