Weird Fruit Prints

Select Print Radishes of Paradise - 9x18 ($14) Mammoth Garlic - 18x9 ($14) Lemonlope - 12x9 ($12) Great Eggplant - 9x18 ($14) Feral Strawberry - 12x2 ($12) Divine Pear - 12x18 ($14) Big Horn Pear - 9x18 ($14) Asparagus Forest - 12x16 ($14) Armadilloupe - 12x9 ($12)
The Mammoth Garlic thunders across the plain. Bighorn Pears clash stems together fighting for dominance. A hedgehog gets lost in the Asparagus Forest and the Great Eggplant of Kalamata races through the woods on clawed bird feet. Welcome to the world of Weird Fruit.

Printed on Super High Quality Epson Enhanced Matte Paper.
Our prints are set up and cut by a human so minor variations in sizing may occur. Sizes quoted are approximate.